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The variables listed on this page are miscellaneous variables that haven't yet been classified into other more appropriate pages.

The regular expression pattern used for valid WikiGroup? name specifications. Defaults to allowing any group name beginning with an uppercase letter, but can be set to limit the valid group names (see Cookbook:LimitWikiGroups).

An array of page name patterns to be excluded from search results. See Cookbook:SearchExcludePages.
        # exclude Pm Wiki.* pages from search results
        $SearchExcludePatterns[] = '/^PmWiki\\./';
        # exclude Recent Changes pages from search results
        $SearchExcludePatterns[] = '/\\.(All)?RecentChanges$/';

Format string to be used when an [[include:SomePage#start#end]] directive refers to an anchor that doesn't exist in SomePage.

Variables that define the names of the pages to be added as a header or footer to the current page.
        # defaults
        $GroupHeaderFmt = '$Group.GroupHeader';
        $GroupFooterFmt = '$Group.GroupFooter';
        # cause all pages to share a common footer
        $GroupFooterFmt = 'Main.CommonFooter';

Variables that define the names of the pages to be added as a header or footer to the current page when ?action=print is selected.
        # defaults
        $GroupPrintHeaderFmt = '$Group.GroupPrintHeader';
        $GroupPrintFooterFmt = '$Group.GroupPrintFooter';
        # set print headers and footers same as browse
        $GroupPrintHeaderFmt = $GroupHeaderFmt;
        $GroupPrintFooterFmt = $GroupFooterFmt;

Attributes added to the <table> HTML tags generated by ||-table markup (see Simple Tables). An author normally sets this value by using ||-markup with no closing || (Simple Tables 2), but a Wiki Administrator can use this variable to set the default for tables.
        # make ||-tables 100% width by default
        $TableAttr = "width='100%'";

Attributes added to the <td> HTML tags generated by ||-table markup. Defaults to "valign='top'";
        $TableCellAttr = "valign='center'";

In a WikiFarm, the directory that contains the main installation of pmwiki.php.

The URL to be used for accessing the pub/ directory in a WikiFarm. Normally this has to be set by the farm's administrator in a local/farmconfig.php file, as there's not an easy way for PmWiki to automatically determine this location.

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Page last modified on May 28, 2004, at 02:26 AM