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siehe auch * Attac an der TU Dresden - attac Campusgruppe der TU Dresden * attac Polen (in der Landessprache) ... die anderen haben leider keine Webseiten.

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apple pie both 'apple' and 'pie'
"apple pie" the phrase 'apple pie'
pmwiki/apple 'apple' in the PmWiki group
"pmwiki/apple" the phrase 'pmwiki/apple' in all groups
apple -pie 'apple', omitting those containing 'pie'
ninja -"apple pie" 'ninja', omitting those containing 'apple pie'
apple "-pie" the words 'apple' and '-pie'
apple - pie 'apple', '-', and 'pie'

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Page last modified on August 07, 2006, at 08:21 AM