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Recent Changes Printable View Page History Edit Page
<< Link Variables | Variables | Upload Variables >>

The variables listed on this page affect editing and saving of text to pages.

The text that should be displayed when editing or browsing non-existent pages. May also appear in other contexts, such as when a non-existent page is included via [[include:PageName]].
        $DefaultPageTextFmt = 'Page $Tlink does not exist';

The minimum number of days to keep a page's revision history. Defaults to 3650 (a little less than ten years).

The default access level required to access a page's history. Defaults to 'read', but can be changed to 'edit' to allow only editors to view page history.
        $DiffAccessLevel = 'read';        # default
        $DiffAccessLevel = 'edit';        # require edit password

The string that indicates a page should be deleted. Defaults to 'delete'.

The path to an external program that performs the equivalent of GNU's diff(1) program for maintaining Page History. Defaults to /usr/bin/diff, but may need to be changed on systems where diff(1) is in a different location (e.g., when running on Windows servers) or is encumbered by PHP Safe Mode?. Setting this to an empty string disables Page History.
        $SysDiffCmd='/usr/bin/diff';      # default
        $SysDiffCmd='';                   # disable page history
        # The following is used by Win Diff
        # Sometimes a workaround for PHP Safe Mode?

The path to an external program that performs the equivalent of GNU's patch(1) program for merging diff's. Defaults to "/usr/bin/patch --silent", but may need to be changed on systems where patch(1) is somewhere else. Setting this to an empty string disables the "Restore" feature of Page History.
        $SysPatchCmd = '';                # disable restore
        # The following is used by Win Diff
        $SysPatchCmd='windiff\\patch --silent';

The names of the PHP functions to be called to generate/restore page history information. Defaults to Pm Wiki's internal "Diff" and "Patch" functions, but these can be changed to allow a user to create customized diff/patch capabilities. This is used by the Cookbook.PHP Diff Engine?.

An array containing the page names and text format lines to be used to save Recent Changes information.

If set to a non-zero value, then authors are required to provide a name in the "Author" field of the edit form before changes may be saved to a page.

The message displayed above the edit form when $EnablePostAuthorRequired is set and an author has failed to provide a name in the "Author" field.

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Page last modified on June 21, 2004, at 06:50 PM